Waitlist registration is now open for our FVCS Summer Programs. What does this mean? Because the future of our summer session is up in the air, and because we do not not know when (or if) we will be able to operate our summer programs, we are taking sign-ups on a WAITLIST basis. You will be able to see dates and pricing information, and sign up as “Waitlisted” with no financial commitment into different classes. The advantage of signing up as “Waitlisted” allows FVCS to contact Waitlisted students directly when we are able to open up for regular registration.
Fingers crossed that the Corvid-19 crisis will allow life to get back to some version of normal in the near future. Until then, we are working hard to keep FVCS viable and remain positive about the future. Thank you for your flexibility and patience, as well as your support.
As always, all summer programs are based in Girdwood. View all the FVCS Summer Programs here.
Questions? Email cmcdermott@fourvalleys.org