February 17, 2025


SELL YOUR GEAR:  Pick up sales tags and control sheets from the FVCS office (available now) and Girdwood Post Office (available beginning Friday September 20th) or the day of the sale (come early).  Review our SWAP PRICING TIPS!
DONATE YOUR GEAR 100%: NEW for 2019!  Do you have gear to get rid of but do not want to tag it, log it on the control sheet, and bring it to the Swap on October 12th? Let us do that for you by donating your gear at 100% sales profit to Four Valleys Community School for us sell. Drop it off at the FVCS office located inside the Girdwood K-8 School any Monday to Thursday after 3pm. We will gladly accept your gear and sell it for a 100% donation to benefit FVCS community education programs!
Be A Ski & Sports Swap Volunteer! Each year we have the help of 100 volunteers to help us pull off our Swap. Our volunteers do everything from gear intake, sorting, answering gear questions to helping with check-out. On top of being a Swap, this is a great community event for Girdwood.  Come on out and contribute! Volunteers get to shop early before the Swap opens to the general public, and we feed you too!
VOLUNTEER ON-LINE SIGN UP HERE: Different positions and shifts are available. You can work the full day, or just sign up for one shift. Sign up early to get your first preference for times, etc.
Questions? E-mail Erin Leighton at eleighton@fourvalleys.org.