February 17, 2025

Community Service Scholarship for Graduating High School Seniors Application Period is OPEN! Due Friday April 5th

Community Service Scholarship Packet 2019 (follow link to download application)

The application period is now OPEN for this scholarship aimed at graduating high-school seniors and awarded each spring. Four Valleys Community School partners with Girdwood Turnagain Arm Lion’s Club to provide two $1000.00 scholarships for graduating seniors. Applicants interview with a small committee.

Our 2018 recipient was Jacob Charnon who is attending UC Davis. 2017 recipients were Logan Sewall and Jimmy Milne. The 2016 Senior Service Scholarship recipients were Dylan Charnon and Maya Daniel.  Our 2015 recipients were Gwen Quigley, Sarah Bartholomew, Preston Epley, and Annika Flynn.  The 2014 Scholarship recipient was Kyle Milne. Kyle was a 2014 graduate of  South Anchorage High School and a resident of Girdwood. He is currently attending University of Alaska Fairbanks. He wrote, “I can honestly say that my college experience has allowed me to grow both academically and personally…Thank you so much for giving me the gift of higher education”

Applications are due to the Four Valleys Community School office no later than Friday April 5th.