February 17, 2025

Who are the Community Volunteers of the Year!?!

Congratulations, Ron & Gwen Burson, Pat Preis & Gabrielle Hoessle!
This past Sunday, these hard-working volunteers were presented with the Community Volunteer of the Year & Four Valleys Community School Volunteer of the Year awards. Friends and families gathered at a celebration BBQ to honor these very special recipients.
Ron & Gwen and Pat were nominated by fellow community members and then elected by past-recipients as being outstanding Community Volunteers of the Year!
Ron & Gwen Burson have made a huge impact on our community for the past 15 years as Ron has served as Rotary President, worked on numerous committees, led task forces on park and highway clean-ups, and partnered with the school and community center. Ron and his willingness to be available to help anyone at a moment’s notice in so many ways makes him a community member to be missed as he and Gwen have recently moved away to be close to family!
Pat Preis has been tireless in his support of the children of Girdwood for over a decade. In addition, Pat hsa volunteered as part of the ASD Capital Improvement Advisory Committee (worked on Girdwood School improvements), Girdwood Clinic BOD and Alyeska Snow Classic Committee. He volunteers his time weekly with the every growing kindergarten class year after year. He coaches soccer through the year and there too he patiently encourages our young people to find their strengths and grow! He has no children or grandchildren at the Girdwood school which makes his dedication even more remarkable!
Four Valleys Community Schools recognized Gabrielle Hoessle as being a constant source of positive energy, organization and dedication to our programs. She is rocking it year round as she leads Cross Country Running, coaches Indoor Soccer, leads the Nordic Ski Club AND coaches Outdoor Soccer all with seemingly endless enthusiasm to keep our community actively charging forward and having fun!

Thanks to all the volunteers in this community who not only stand up to contribute, but stand out too!