January 18, 2025

Art Camp Registration Opens MONDAY APRIL 1 @ 11 AM

PLEASE READ! Customer Change & Cancellation Fees: FVCS will charge a $20 change fee to the customer for any changes they make to their registrations prior to July 8th. After July 8th (two weeks before camp starts), there will be no customer refunds for cancellations and GFAC will keep these funds.

For more information, please visit: http://www.girdwoodfineartscamp.com/

The Girdwood Fine Arts Camp is offering a sibling discount/financial aid for residents of the four valleys while funds are available. If the sibling discount/financial aid is applied, a $20 registration fee is still due before registration is completed. Please enroll one sibling (in the higher cost camp) then complete attached form and email per instructions. Offered on a space-available basis.